nutramed, Canada

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Nutramed group is a fast growing organisation, recognized cGMP, global pharmaceutical and nutraceutical group, Manufacturer of vitamins, herbs, nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical products. Nutramed group has one R&D center in Vancouver, Canada, One pharmaceutical and nutraceutical complex factory which met USFDA standard is in process of contruction in Vietnam and will be starting manufacturing on 2020. One finance company in America which controls the finance of investment for all the factories belonging to the Nutramed group in the world. Nutramed group continually strives to maintain an unwavering reputation for the delivery of exceptional products, services, and solutions where quality and dependability are of the greatest importance. We are committed to becoming a source of strength for our customers and providing a true partnership in the development and growth of their businesses.

Our dynamic and experienced team of scientists, formulators, and product managers have the expertise and know-how necessary to take your product from its inception all the way through to delivery. Our scientific expertise, in-house talent and manufacturing facilities, complement the latest technologies to bring forth the development of novel products.

Our strong marketers will go one step further and provide business development support, industry trend guidance, and marketing strategies as part of building a successful partnership with our customers. You can count on us to deliver the highest quality products to your exact specifications, and we stand behind each product we manufacture with a complete 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Our products are already available in various parts of the country and we are constantly expanding our reach in Canada as well as in the global platform. Get in touch with us to know more.

If you are looking for a trusted partner in developing, formulating, and manufacturing your dietary supplement, pharmaceutical products, please contact us today to speak with one of our business development and formulation experts in bringing your healthy living ideas to life!

Featured Products
Vitamin, Supplement, Nutritional & Nutraceutical Manufacturer — Formulation |
Private Label vitamins, nutraceuticals, and other related dietary supplements is
Nutramed Science Corporation is the recognized cGMP leader in the


#4000 No.3 Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, V6X 0J8


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